Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Plead your Leaf

Fall--a year or two ago!

I'm so lucky to live in an incredibly beautiful place--especially for being classified as a desert. Yesterday I coerced my children into going for a Sunday afternoon walk/hike. Although the idea of exchanging the afternoon nap for breathing fresh air and looking at scenery is not always viewed as a net positive exchange, I think that most participants would say that it was a repeatable excursion.

I walked with the slowest, youngest walker and the oldest child who kept wandering off to take pictures of great branches or striking trees. I was beginning to wonder if the other two teenagers and my young 20's brother had circled back to the car to avoid the boredom of the walk.... then rounded a corner to have them ask "isn't this where we've seen wild turkey before" and to find them comparing "the best" fall leaves and declaring that there will be a best leaf contest complete with voting and "pleading. Turns out when two equally amazing leaves come up against each other and the the voters cannot agree on the best one--the finder can "plead" to have one of the leaves sent to a special category such as "most intense color", "half and half", "spotted", "most interesting" etc. I think college life is beginning to get to my brother who was creating the elaborate rules for the contest and that maybe he should ditch accounting in favor of another popular occupation held by two other brothers....Pleading!

We made it to the abandoned mill, searched fruitlessly for a spot to cross over the water, and decided we will have to wait for a lower water year to cross over and really investigate the old mill. For now we can let our imaginations run wild with how all those early settlers built the bridges, walls and conduits that are now crumbled remains of all their efforts...and we thought it was exercise to walk there carrying only our treasured leaves!

As a crowning glory to our day--the youngest set the table while the comfort food cooked in the oven and the Mom took a "stave off the allergy headache" nap. We sat down in the dining room to a creative display of our hiking treasures as the centerpiece and I soaked up the joy of having another busy day with some of my greatest treasures--my kids and family members. Sorry Dad had to miss out on this one because of his trip to Chicago (that I had to miss out on!) 

So many adventures...so little time, but we'll keep trying to “plead” in as many as we possibly can into our 24 hour day!!!

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