Saturday, April 9, 2011

Feeling Left Out

Okay, so it takes me a while to catch up on what is new and exciting in life...but I did try my hand at blogging a few years ago...then got busy living my life instead of blogging about breast cancer. So now that life is back to normal "Crazy Busy" I think I'll add overachiever to my list of things to try in life and jump back into the bloggosphere.

All my friends blog, my sister reads blogs like crazy and I just get overwhelmed whenever I get on and look at all the amazing things everyone in the world is posting! I can barely vacuum the house occasionally, keep pink stuff from growing in the toilet, make sure a few healthy meals get fixed and keep the family in relatively fitting and clean clothing. I always say that the biggest disservice my mom did for me was make Motherhood look easy and fun...I always thought I would spend the day reading books to my kids and working in the flower gardens....turns out that is my little sister's life (whom I love and admire tons) and I have had a CRAZY BUSY life--chronically overbooked and trying to juggle it all...and having everyone tell me that I just need to simplify. So for 20 years I have spent time and energy trying to be calm and cool and collected, preparing for birthdays months in advance and always looking like I have it together and failing miserably at simplifying!! Something about having breast cancer makes you find your authentic self....and looking deep inside myself I must say that I lOVE myself as a CRAZY BUSY human being!!! I love people, things, places, adventures, new opportunities, the outdoors, the indoors, I love it all and want to have a little bit of it all in my life.

So after 20 years of being told that the simple life is the best life I am un-apologetically proclaiming myself to be "LOVIN' THE CRAZY". I adore all the people I have met in the several moves that we've made, the organizations I've belonged to, being a sports mom, volunteering in various capacities and running our family hotel. I love all my hobbies--all of which I love, but don't proclaim to be an expert of any--reading, singing, playing the piano, gardening, quilting with a glue stick, collecting and creating with Stampin' Up products, riding my mountain and road bikes, writing in my journals, traveling, spending time with family and friends, adventuring, rocking' out to Bon Jovi or whatever my kids have playing on the stereo, crocheting, scrapbooking, being an over-the-top Auntie, walking,......yep the list goes on and on....and I'm always willing to add something else to the list if I can squeeze it in.

I'm hopelessly in love with experiencing life--not that I wouldn't like to avoid certain painful parts of living, but I could only live simply if I was willing to to be less interested in local politics, national politics, things that affect me, my family and my friends....I could only live more simply if I cared less about the people and things arounds me.

So sue me, or tell my I'm overbooked, spread too thin, overcommitted, or can describe me in whatever way makes you feel better about how you live your life...but from here on out I refuse to apologize for who I am...Crazy Busy and Lovin' It...except for those few times in life when I fall apart, but I'm not apologizing for that either....just listening to myself and allowing myself a down day or complete breakdown when I need it. I'm living with Passion and that means the UP days make the DOWN days awful, and the DOWN days make the UP days that much more of an UPPER!!

So join me in celebrating life in all its reality, rawness and rapidity--here's to the THREE R's and lovin' the good the bad and the ugly!! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em....and enjoy the ride the best you can.

Hope your CRAZY BUSY life is as all that it's cracked up to be!

E.R. (Embracing Reality)

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